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The 7th edition of the Rehabmove congress takes place in Groningen May 21st – 23rd, 2025

The congress aims assembles all researchers, clinicians, and sport professionals, together with patient groups, sports unions, industry and other societal partners, to exchange knowledge and discuss future health challenges for people living with a disability.

The three-day congress covers the theme’s Mobility (day1), Active Living (day2) and Adaptive sports (day 3). These three are closely interrelated and the unique serial setup without parallel sessions ensures integration of all attending people. We have numerous keynote speakers, both young and coming as well as authorities in the field. These  will give an overview of the state-of-the-art, while simultaneously giving their future visions. These are followed up by several shorter orals on a similar theme. Additionally, poster sessions, industry exhibits and a lot of social activities ensure interaction.

Already over 35yrs the 5-yearly cycle of ‘RehabMove’ congresses has brought together Human movement-, rehabilitation- and allied sciences, to embrace their ambitions together. This ever-growing network has tried to provide answers in the fields of rehabilitation and adapted sports, while simultaneously generating new questions and challenges. Working alongside each other has thus helped to further deepen our understanding of (impaired) human movement and functioning and stress the importance of continued multidisciplinary (inter)national collaboration.

The aim of RehabMove is continued multidisciplinary research in the fields of rehabilitation and adapted sports, to keep pace with the highspeed technological developments and growing societal challenges. There is a continued need for more precise notions of human functioning, the effects of practice and training, improved supportive technology and the awareness of ‘human and technology asset management’ over the lifespan. By maintaining state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary research collaborations, we anticipate continuing to support and improve rehabilitation medicine. We also hope to ensure a stronger embodiment of preventive and lifestyle medicine in rehabilitation practice. Indeed, now and beyond, healthcare and rehabilitation practice require a healthy and active lifestyle management agenda in the context of the (primary, secondary, tertiary) prevention.

Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations will be in October.

Praktische informatie

21 mei 23 mei
