October 10, 2024
My dear friends:
I share with you the disappointing news that the ISPRM President’s Cabinet and the Jordanian Society of Physical Medicine, Arthritis and Rehabilitation have mutually agreed to postpone the ISPRM World Congress that was originally scheduled in Jordan in May, 2025.
This was a most difficult decision considering the amount of work our Jordanian colleagues have invested in organizing this congress over the last several years. We have been closely monitoring the events around the world, and eventually we mutually decided that it will be in the best interest of the society and its members to not hold the congress in Jordan at this time. The ISPRM will always be grateful for the Jordanian Society’s dedication to deliver a top-notch scientific meeting, which could have been the first ISPRM congress to be held in the Middle East.
As I write this message, the members of the President’s Cabinet and the Congress Committee are hard at work investigating alternative options for another society (or societies) to host the 19th World Congress of the ISPRM. You have our commitment that we will entertain and assess all possibilities because we recognize how important it is for us to gather in person, learn from each other, and maintain the sense of community that keeps our society strong even in the most challenging situations.
In the coming days you will hear more from me as our search for another location progresses. I cannot thank our Jordanian colleagues enough not only for the work they have already put in, but more so for their selflessness in agreeing to postpone hosting our congress.
I still very much look forward to the day when they warmly welcome us in Jordan.
Gerard E. Francisco,
ISPRM President